Step 1
As a patient you do not need to set up a Coviu account, you will be sent a link ahead of the appointment via sms and email. Click on the link 5 minutes ahead of the appointment.
Step 2
Allow 60 minutes, and a quiet private room (where possible) and have all equipment ready.
Step 3
You'll need a computer/ iPad/ smartphone/ tablet with a camera and microphone. To get the most out of the appointment, it is much better to log in with a computer or iPad as when I screenshare information, it's much clearer for you to visualise.
Step 4
On logging in, you'll be asked to enable camera and microphone. Say yes to this and then take a photograph of yourself. This is purely to identify you and is not stored.
Step 5
Please close all other apps, programs, or streaming services you’re running. Netflix, Disney, etc or online gaming may slow down your internet speed and affect the quality of your session. I recommend turning off those services for the duration of your session.
Step 6
Please upload any glucose or pump data ahead of the appointment and reflect on what’s working well for you and what you would like assistance with. Write down any questions you may have.